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A new report from APLU’s Powered by Publics Eastern Cluster provides valuable insights on implementing effective peer mentoring programs to boost student success in higher education. The report, "Peer Mentoring for Student Success," synthesizes recommendations and lessons learned from nine public research universities that collaborated to examine and enhance their peer mentoring initiatives.

Key findings from the report include:

  1. Prioritizing experiences: When selecting mentors, universities found that prioritizing students’ varied backgrounds and experiences over just academic credentials resulted in more relatable mentors and higher mentee satisfaction.
  2. Comprehensive training: Providing thorough, ongoing training and professional development for peer mentors was crucial for program success and mentor retention.
  3. Tailored social connections: Offering a range of social interaction options, including activities tailored to specific student groups, helped foster a sense of belonging among mentees.
  4. Student voice in program design: Incorporating student input in designing and promoting mentoring programs increased relevance and engagement.
  5. Incentives and recognition: Providing compensation and/or formal recognition for mentors boosted motivation and program sustainability.

The report also outlines steps for creating a mentoring program, including identifying goals, developing a budget, building stakeholder teams, and establishing evaluation procedures.

The collaborative efforts of the Eastern Cluster universities demonstrate how peer mentoring can be leveraged as a powerful tool for improving outcomes for all students, particularly those who may face challenges in their academic journey.

The report offers actionable steps and resources for institutions looking to implement or enhance their peer mentoring programs. It provides a comprehensive overview of strategies that have shown promise in supporting student success through peer mentoring.

Access the full Peer Mentoring for Student Success report at to explore detailed recommendations, examples, and resources for implementing or enhancing peer mentoring programs at your institution.


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Eastern Cluster Peer Mentoring Report (August 2024)
Tags: Report, Eastern Cluster, Peer Mentoring

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