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Powered by Publics Learning Exchange
Sharing, connecting, learning in support of institutional transformation.
Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

We are pleased to share the 2022 Powered by Publics Progress Report, highlighting the accomplishments of our 127 participating member universities and state systems as they work to achieve equitable student outcomes. These institutions have set ambitious goals to increase degree completion and eliminate equity gaps for low-income, minoritized, and first-generation students while addressing institutional barriers to student success. The 2022 Progress Report includes six-year graduation outcomes for students who began their education in 2015, the number of degrees awarded in AY 2020-2021 – the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic – and Fall 2021 enrollments. Here are the key findings:

  • Six-year graduation outcomes hold steady, while equity gaps for some racial/ethnic minority groups and Pell recipients improved.
  • PxP universities awarded more degrees to Pell recipients, Hispanic students, and Black students, but slightly fewer degrees overall.
  • Enrollments declined overall during the pandemic but increased for Hispanic students.
  • Retention decreased and equity gaps widened in the first year of the pandemic.

While there is still much work to be done, we remain encouraged by these initial findings and committed to supporting our members’ efforts to promote equitable student success.

The network has also fostered a strong sense of community among our members, providing opportunities for individuals to connect with their peers from similarly situated institutions to discuss equity and college completion in several contexts. PxP has also provided tools and resources to its members, such as the Core Data Metrics and the Learning Exchange, to support them in measuring effectiveness and sharing strategies. The PxP initiative has supported universities in centering equitable outcomes for students and collaborating around shared equity goals. By incorporating the student voice, we have been able to better understand their unique needs and experiences, as well as support institutions in meeting those needs. Through this lens, the network has helped foster a more student-centered approach to promoting equitable student success.

We are grateful for the dedication and hard work of all our members over the past five years. Your commitment to equity and relentless focus on degree completion has positively impacted the lives of countless students across the country. PxP remains committed to fostering a student-centered approach, cultivating strong relationships among campuses, amplifying minoritized voices, and aligning with your institutional priorities. I look forward to our continued work together.

Tags: 2022 Progress Report, Executive Director’s Note

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