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In the coming months, institutions will be able to apply for some of the $45 million Congress recently provided for a third round of the Postsecondary Student Success Grant (PSSG) competition, which helps institutions provide evidence-based supports for student persistence and completion.

In an effort to support submissions for the upcoming 2024 PSSG invitation to apply, we are excited to invite you to the second annual webinar highlighting the achievements of several institutions that have received PSSG funding in the past. Hosted by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities (USU) with support from Arnold Ventures, this event will showcase innovative strategies and lessons learned by PSSG awardees to help support institutions in their consideration of ideas for 2024 PSSG.

Webinar Title: Advancing Evidence-Based Interventions for College Completion: Insights from Postsecondary Student Success Grant Awardees

Date and Time: Monday, July 8, 2:00-3:00 PM Eastern

Description: This webinar will feature a panel of leaders from PSSG-funded institutions sharing their experiences in developing and implementing evidence-based interventions aimed at improving postsecondary retention, transfer, and completion.

This webinar offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Engage with peers and experts
  • Learn from successful PSSG awardees
  • Inform ideas for the 2024 PSSG competition
  • Enhance your institution’s student success initiatives

Participants will also have access to resources like toolkits, reports, and workshops to support their proposals for future federal funding.

Let’s Celebrate Our 2023 and 2022 PSSG Awardees: We are proud to highlight the achievements of our APLU and USU member PSSG awardees:

Please note that not all of these institutions will be represented in the webinar. However, we celebrate their contributions to advancing student success.

Do you have a great program or idea for advancing postsecondary completion? Does your institution serve high numbers of Pell or minoritized students on your campus? Are you interested in applying for federal support? We encourage you to get involved!

Register HERE

Stay tuned for more event announcements from APLU and USU. For more information, please contact Dr. Jennifer Keup at or @Gregory Thorntonregory Thornton at

Tags: PSSG, FIPSE, Webinar, Postsecondary Student Success Grant

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