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The Westin Washington, D.C. City Center (Washington, District of Columbia)

Advancing Campus Pluralism: Bridgebuilding Across Difference

This convening will bring together college and university presidents committed to promoting positive cooperation across political, ideological, and religious divides.

In the face of rising antisemitism, Islamophobia, and prejudice on campuses across the nation, this convening will bring together college and university presidents committed to promoting positive cooperation across political, ideological, and religious divides. We highly encourage presidents to attend personally and invite two senior administration or faculty leaders who will support implementation of positive bridgebuilding or positive cooperation across divides at your institution. The convening will feature engaging keynotes from leaders in campus pluralism followed by interactive workshops and dedicated time for campus team reflection and planning. Throughout the convening, participants will build capacity to develop a comprehensive strategy for advancing pluralism on their campuses, envisioning the centrality of cooperation within college and university environments and scaffolding their next steps to positive and sustainable bridgebuilding across difference.

The Advancing Campus Pluralism: Bridgebuilding Across Difference convening is a collaboration between Interfaith America and AAC&U.


1400 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20005

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