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Powered by Publics Learning Exchange
Sharing, connecting, learning in support of institutional transformation.

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  • Retention at Powered by Publics members increased by 2 percent for all undergraduates, by 4 percent for Black students, and by 3 percent for Latino students (from Fall 2018-Fall 2019)
  • Degrees awarded increased by 821 from AY 2018/19 to AY 2019/20
  • Six-year graduation outcomes improved by 2 percentage points between the Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 cohorts
  • Equity gaps for 6-year outcomes, however, widened between Black and Latino students and all students, by 1 and 2 percentage points, respectively, between the Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 cohorts
  • Powered by Publics clusters produced significant new knowledge and resources for the field through collaborative projects (detailed in the report)
Gregory Thornton
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